Ciencias térmicas y sistems de energía alternativas

Thermal and Fluid Sciences Group

As a developing country, Ecuador and specifically the southern ecuadorian coast faces its own energy and industrial challenges (Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir 2013).  This array of problems needs its own local developed solutions in order to sustainably increase the standard of living of the region.  Among the key problems of interest of our group are: biofuels, renewable energy, energy conversion systems, energy use in buildings and industry.  We make use of analytical, experimental and simulation tools of thermal and fluid science to analyze, improve, and proposed new designs that tackle energy and industrial challenges.  At the local level, we are part of the Ecuadorian energy network, and work in close collaboration with the renewable energy and energy efficiency national institute (INER).

Our research group has experimental facilities to perform research in solar energy, fuel cells, combustion systems.  Software for research purposes includes computer aided design (CAD), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and multiphysics simulation.  Recent research projects with external funding includes: development of hazardous waste incinerator, study of fugitive methane gas at Ancon wells, hydrogen electrical generation for domestic use, study of the use of soil as heat sink to replace cooling towers, and, development of novel heat transfer fluids.  With internal funding we have developed hybrid solar-wind systems, and work on the development of energy materials using local raw materials.

Future plans:

Construction of prototypes that make use of novel heat transfer fluids.

Development of a thermal properties database for construction materials use in ecuadorian coast.

Development of reduced order models using machine learning techniques to predict energy consumption in buildings

Research on micro-algae based biofuels.

Further development of local engineering relevant to design of renewable hybrid systems.



Renewable energy, energy systems, combustion, heat transfer.



Science and Technology Secretary, (SENESCYT).

National Institute of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (INER).

Energy Systems Laboratory, Texas A&M University.

Convective Heat Transfer Laboratory, Texas A&M University.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).



Guillermo Soriano, PhD

Alfredo Barriga, PhD

Francisco Andrade, MSc

Gonzalo Zabala, MSc

Jorge W. Duque R., M.Sc.

Mario Patiño, MSc.



Dr.Guillermo Soriano