Industrial Engineering has been designed to optimize operations in manufacturing, service, and transactional industries through process analysis, operations research, industrial analytics, and supply chain integration, with the aim of creating a positive social impact.

Cooperate with society to improve the quality of life and promote its sustainable and equitable development, through research, innovation and the training of upright and competent professionals in industrial engineering. 

Core Components of the Program
· Operations Research
· Production Control Systems
· Quality, Safety, Health, Environment, and Human Talent Management Systems
· Logistics and Supply Chain Systems

International Accreditation
ESPOL's industrial engineering program is accredited by the ABET engineering accreditation commission since 2015. 
The Industrial Engineering Program ESPOL is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Comission of ABET. Besides, the program has the EUR-ACE seal granted by the Accreditation Council of ENTER agency and the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

* Undergraduate tuition/fees:
The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador in its Article 356, among other principles, establishes that third-level public higher education will be tuition/fees free.  Zero cost education is linked to the academic responsibility of the students.

Curiosity, analysis, innovation, teamwork, and the ability to abstract and think logically, along with a basic understanding of experimental sciences and mathematics, are some of the characteristics you should possess to become an industrial engineer.

Educational Objectives 

The graduates of the Industrial Engineering program at ESPOL should be able to:

To develop a successful career by effectively and ethically practicing industrial engineering, or by applying industrial engineering knowledge in related fields.
To attain a higher level of knowledge and experience through opportunities for professional development, continuing education, or graduate studies.
To be involved in entrepreneurial activities and/or to have taken on managerial or leadership roles with increasing responsibility and impact during their professional practice.
Contribute to the sustainable and equitable development of their communities or society.

Learning outcomes: 

The training axes of the Industrial Engineering career are:

  • Operations research
  • Production Control Systems
  • Quality Management Systems, Safety, Health, Environment and Human Talent
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Systems

The learning outcomes of the Industrial career are:

1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex industrial engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. 
2. Ability to apply design of industrial engineering systems, to produce solutions that satisfy specific needs, considering public health, safety and well-being, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors. 
3rd Ability to communicate effectively in Spanish with diverse audiences (oral and written form). 
3.b. Ability to communicate effectively in English with diverse audiences. 
4. Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in industrial engineering situations and make informed judgments, considering the impact of engineering solutions in the global, economic, environmental and social context. 
5. Ability to function effectively in a team, whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, set goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. 
6. Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use industrial engineering criteria to draw conclusions. 
7. Ability to acquire and apply new industrial engineering knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 
8. Design real industrial engineering solutions that propose unique value in response to specific needs considered from the point of view of those involved.

After four and a half years of study, you will be able to:

Solve complex problems through the use of mathematical and statistical tools.
Analyze and interpret information in the context of industrial engineering.
Design a system, component, or process to meet the desired needs and requirements.
Utilize techniques, skills, and modern tools for continuous process improvement, among other aspects.

Occupational Profile

You can work in the following areas:

Process reengineering
Sustainable supply chains
Transportation and distribution management
Demand and supply planning
Continuous process improvement
Production planning and control
Occupational health and safety
Research centers or groups focusing on data modeling and analysis
Consulting and advisory roles

In order for the student to enter the graduation process, the following requirements must be met:

- Passing all courses in the curriculum.
- Completing 400 hours of pre-professional internships and/or social engagement.
- Finishing the integrative project.

Professional training61
Pre-professional business internships5
General education18
Mathematics and basic sciences33
Community service practices2
Curriculum Integration Unit8
Complementary Arts, Sports, and Languages1
Humanities Complementary Course1

The Capstone Project is a culminating requirement for graduation. These projects provide students with the experience of applying acquired knowledge and skills to the needs of society, with a focus on sustainability.
The IDEAR Fair showcases all Capstone projects, offering students a valuable opportunity to showcase their work and hone soft skills such as communication and teamwork. It is also a space for students to network with potential clients and future employers.
Explore all of the Capstone projects completed by the Industrial Engineering program.